sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2016

Itália Deporta Terrorista Muçulmano que Atacaria Vaticano. Mas 1.500 estão Chegando

Li ontem que a Itália deportou um muçulmano que planejava ato terrorista contra o Vaticano.

No entando, li também no jornal The Sun que um relatório oficial europeu diz que o Estado Islâmico já colocou mais de 1.500 terroristas dentro da Europa prontos para realizar ataques. Só aguardando sinal ou oportunidade de matar mais gente ou gente importante. Entre 30 e 35% desses terroristas têm missões específicas.

Vejam abaixo


MORE than 1,500 jihadists fighting with ISIS in Syria and Iraq have returned to Europe with orders to “carry out attacks”, an EU report warned.

An estimated 5,000 European ISIS fanatics went to Syria and Iraq and 15 to 20 per cent of them died on the battlefield.
Around 30 to 35 per cent have returned with “specific missions”, while the other half  remained in the battle theatre – which amounted to between 2,000 and 2,500 Europeans.
This means as many as 1,750 may have returned, based on the percentages listed in the report which EU counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove will present to EU interior ministers on Friday.
The report said there were two types of ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ returning.
It warned: “It is important to share information on returnees who are already back in Europe, those that are in transit and … (those) still in the conflict zone.”
“There are largely two categories of returnees: those in the majority who will drift back and those who will be sent back on specific missions, which are of most concern.”
Enquanto isso, o Vaticano vai tentar "dialogar" com líderes muçulmanos.
Rezemos pela nossa fé.

Um comentário:

Isac disse...

Bom demais: deporta 1 serpente e recebe 1500.
Aguardem o cadafalso!